What I learned from making a $20 sale

Hi friend, before this, I shared about how I build 9 products during this pandemic, and made 1 sale. You can read that more here:

Ricardo Sawir


Now, I want to share with you the lessons I learned from making the $20 sale.

First, I want to show you some statistics

This is my Gumroad page statistic.
This is my Medium Statistic. the most left column is for ‘view’ column, the middle is ‘read’, the 2nd middle is ‘read-ratio’ and the most right column is ‘fans’ column.
Dev.to stats. As of this writing, the total is 45 Total reactions and 901 total post views
Twitter Stats, as of this writing 30 Nov 2020
Twitter Stats, as of this writing 30 Nov 2020

I get my first $20 sale for 50 Useful PHP tips. And from the statistics…

1. I have to tell about my stuff everywhere I can.

I mean you cannot tell only on Hacker News, or only on Indie Hackers, or only on Youtube, or only on Twitter.

2. From the $20 sale, I will not spend it directly and use 50% for investing for Gumroad subscription.

This is to help cut cost for the next sale I make.

3. I still have 13 followers (see Twitter stats), And from 677 profile visits, currently 10 converts.

I think I have to help give more values so that people can get benefit from it. The followers count will follow. And the sales will also follow. My own take is I will not try to sell directly, but give any values I have.

4. I sell my 50 Useful PHP on blackfriday, using the momentum. But it seems, the price doesn’t really have any factors.

I sell both $25, the promo makes it $20. I made a sale. But only a sale. But for my next product, I think I will try to trial and error with other numbers.

5. I will try to tweet regularly as a way to document this journey

Before, I always think sharing something doesn’t really do anything for myself or for people. But now, I started to think sharing a story to the web actually have an impact. Either for myself, and for the readers. For people.

Do you catch something unique from this story? If so, I would like to hear from you, too! I’m open for Twitter DM, or comments below.


I will try to document my journey, see anything that I can share either with my programming jobs, my personal life to people. If you’re interested to follow my story, you can follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/RicardoSawir



Ricardo Sawir
Ricardo Sawir

Written by Ricardo Sawir

I code plain PHP and gets fortune with this.

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